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Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь - easy


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(Electronic Application System) Система электронных заявок EASY прил. 1) легкий, удобный, выгодный, застойный (о рынке) 2) не имеющий спроса (о товаре) • - easy access
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  1. передышка (гребля) 2. легкий, нетрудный easy task —- легкое задание easy path —- удобная тропа easy country —- воен. легкопроходимая местность it's an easy place to get to —- туда легко добраться easy of access —- легкодоступный, достижимый без труда easy money —- деньги, доставшиеся легко, легко нажитые деньги easy reading series —- книги или пособия для начинающих (изучать иностранные языки) easy book —- спец. книга для детей младшего возраста 3. нетрудный, необременительный on easy terms —- на легких условиях to buy on easy terms —- ком. покупать на выгодных условиях; покупать в рассрочку 4. удобный, приятный, покойный easy coat —- просторный пиджак easy cushions —- мягкие подушки 5. спокойный easy conscience —- спокойная совесть make your mind easy —- не волнуйтесь, успокойтесь the patient became easier —- больному стало легче I am much easier since my wound was dressed —- после того, как рану перевязали, я чувствую себя гораздо лучше I don't feel easy on this point —- в этом вопросе я не чувствую себя спокойно (уверенно) I made him easy —- я его успокоил 6. неторопливый easy pace —- неторопливый темп (шаг, аллюр) to travel by easy stages —- путешествовать, часто останавливаясь на отдых 7. уживчивый, покладистый, сговорчивый easy disposition —- покладистый характер an easy person to get on with —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. adj.  1) легкий, нетрудный - easy of access - easy money  2) удобный - easy coat  3) непринужденный, свободный, естественный - easy manners  4) спокойный make your mind easy - успокойтесь  5) покладистый; терпимый to be easy on smb., smth. - относиться снисходительно к кому-л., чему-л.  6) излишне уступчивый; чересчур податливый of easy virtue - не (слишком) строгих правил  7) неторопливый at an easy pace - не спеша  8) обеспеченный, состоятельный - easy circumstances  9) econ. не имеющий спроса (о товаре); вялый, застойный (о рынке и т.п.)  10) пологий (о скате) easy street - богатство to be on easy street - процветать as easy as falling off a log/as ABC - очень легко Syn: see simple  2. adv.  1) легко  2) спокойно; неторопливо to take it easy -  а) не торопиться, не усердствовать;  б) относиться спокойно to break the news easy - сообщить о случившемся осторожно или деликатно - easy all! easy does it prov. тише едешь, дальше будешь easy come, easy go как нажито, так и прожито easier said than done легче сказать, чем сделать EASY chair noun мягкое кресло EASY circumstances достаток EASY coat просторное пальто EASY manners непринужденные манеры EASY meat amer. легкая добыча, жертва; доверчивый человек, простак EASY money шальные деньги EASY of access доступный EASY rider noun проходимец EASY all! naut. суши весла! (команда) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  сокр. от early acquisition system система раннего обнаружения и захвата цели ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  adj., adv., & int. (easier, easiest) --adj. 1 not difficult; achieved without great effort. 2 a free from pain, discomfort, anxiety, etc. b comfortably off, affluent (easy circumstances). 3 free from embarrassment, awkwardness, constraint, etc.; relaxed and pleasant (an easy manner). 4 compliant, obliging; easily persuaded (an easy touch). 5 Stock Exch. (of goods, money on loan, etc.) not much in demand. --adv. with ease; in an effortless or relaxed manner. --int. go carefully; move gently. Phrases and idioms easy as pie see PIE(1). easy chair a large comfortable chair, usu. an armchair. easy come easy go colloq. what is easily got is soon lost or spent. easy does it colloq. go carefully. easy money money got without effort (esp. of dubious legality). easy of access easily entered or approached. easy on the eye (or ear etc.) colloq. pleasant to look at (or listen to etc.). easy-peasy sl. very simple. Easy Street colloq. affluence. easy terms payment by instalments. go easy (foll. by with, on) be sparing or cautious. I'm easy colloq. I have no preference. of easy virtue (of a woman) sexually promiscuous. stand easy! Brit. Mil. permission to a squad standing at ease to relax their attitude further. take it easy 1 proceed gently or carefully. 2 relax; avoid overwork. Derivatives easiness n. Etymology: ME f. AF ais{eacute}, OF aisi{eacute} past part. of aisier EASE ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  (easier; -est)  Etymology: Middle English esy, from Anglo-French eise, aasie, past participle of eiser, aaisier to ease, from a- ad- (from Latin ad-) + eise ease  Date: 13th century  1.  a. causing or involving little difficulty or discomfort within ~ reach  b. requiring or indicating little effort, thought, or reflection ~ cliches  2.  a. not severe ; lenient hopes they'll be ~ on him  b. not steep or abrupt ~ slopes  c. not difficult to endure or undergo an ~ penalty  d. readily taken advantage of an ~ target for takeovers an ~ mark for con men  e.  (1) readily available ~ pickings  (2) plentiful in supply at low or declining interest rates ~ money  (3) less in demand and usually lower in price bonds were easier  f. pleasant ~ listening  g. sexually promiscuous  3.  a. marked by peace and comfort the ~ life of a courtier  b. not hurried or strenuous an ~ pace  4.  a. free from pain, annoyance, or anxiety did all she could to make him easier  b. marked by social ease an air of ~ assurance  c. ~going an ~ disposition  5.  a. giving ease, comfort, or relaxation  b. not burdensome or straitened bought on ~ terms  c. fitting comfortably ; allowing freedom of movement ~ jackets  d. marked by ready facility an ~ flowing style  e. felt or attained to readily, naturally, and spontaneously an ~ smile  • easiness noun Synonyms:  ~, facile, simple, light, effortless, smooth mean not demanding effort or involving difficulty. ~ is applicable either to persons or things imposing tasks or to activity required by such tasks an ~ college course. facile often adds to ~ the connotation of undue haste or shallowness facile answers to complex questions. simple stresses ease in understanding or dealing with because complication is absent a simple problem in arithmetic. light stresses freedom from what is burdensome a light teaching load. effortless stresses the appearance of ease and usually implies the prior attainment of artistry or expertness moving with...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (easier, easiest) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If a job or action is easy, you can do it without difficulty or effort, because it is not complicated and causes no problems. The shower is easy to install... This is not an easy task... = simple ? difficult ADJ: oft it v-link ADJ to-inf, ADJ to-inf • easily Dress your child in layers of clothes you can remove easily. = simply ADV: usu ADV with v 2. If you describe an action or activity as easy, you mean that it is done in a confident, relaxed way. If someone is easy about something, they feel relaxed and confident about it. He was an easy person to talk to. ...when you are both feeling a little easier about the break up of your relationship. ADJ: oft ADJ about n • easily They talked amiably and easily about a range of topics. ADV: ADV with v 3. If you say that someone has an easy life, you mean that they live comfortably without any problems or worries. She has not had an easy life. ? hard ADJ: usu ADJ n 4. If you say that something is easy or too easy, you are criticizing someone because they have done the most obvious or least difficult thing, and have not considered the situation carefully enough. That’s easy for you to say... It was all too easy to believe it. ADJ: v-link ADJ, oft it v-link ADJ to-inf, ADJ to-inf c darkgreen]disapproval 5. If you describe someone or something as easy prey or as an easy target, you mean that they can easily be attacked or criticized. Tourists have become easy prey... The World Bank, with its poor environmental record, is an easy target for blame. ADJ: ADJ n 6. If you tell someone to go easy on something, you are telling them to use only a small amount of it. (INFORMAL) Go easy on the alcohol. PHRASE: V inflects, PHR n 7. If you tell someone to go easy on, or be easy on, a particular person, you are telling them not to punish or treat that person very severely. (INFORMAL) ‘Go easy on him,’ Sam repeated, opening the door... ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 »NOT DIFFICULT« not difficult, and not needing much physical or mental effort  (The easiest way to get there is through the park. | It can't have been easy raising three children all by herself. | easy to make/build/do etc)  (Are the instructions easy to follow? | make things easy (for sb))  (Having a computer will definitely make things a lot easier. | easy as pie (=very easy) | within easy (walking) distance (=near enough to walk to)) 2 »NOT WORRIED« not feeling worried or anxious  (Would it make you feel easier if I phoned when I got there? | with an easy mind)  (I can't go to bed with an easy mind until I know she's safe.)  (- opposite uneasy) 3 easy victim/prey etc someone who cannot easily defend themselves against bad treatment, attack etc  (Elderly and frail, she was easy prey for muggers.) 4 easy on the eye/ear pleasant to look at or listen to  (Choose colours that are soft and easy on the eye.) 5 have an easy time of it to have no problems or difficulties  (She hasn't had an easy time of it since Jack left.) 6 take the easy way out to end a difficult situation in a way that seems easy, but is not the best or most sensible way  (She took the easy way out, and told him she had to visit her mother that afternoon.) 7 get off easy informal to escape severe punishment for something that you have done wrong  (I thought I was in deep trouble, but I got off easy.) 8 easy money money that you do not have to work hard to get 9 I'm easy spoken used to say that you do not mind what choice is made  ("Would you rather go out for a Chinese or an Indian meal?" "Oh, I'm easy.") 10 that's easy for you to say spoken used when someone has given you some advice that would be difficult for you to follow 11 be on easy street informal, especially AmE to be in a situation in which you have plenty of money  (They're on easy street now that he's inherited his aunt's money.) 12 on easy terms BrE if you buy something on easy terms, you pay for it with several small payments instead of paying the whole amount at once 13 »SEX«...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  funny abbr. Eat, Activity, Sleep, And You funny abbr. Eat, Activity, Sleep, You NYSE symbols Environmental Analysis System The Y NASDAQ abbr. Electronic Automatic Script For You ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 12c., from O.Fr. aisie, pp. of aisier "to put at ease," from aise (see ease). Sense of "not difficult" is c.1280. Easy-chair is from 1707; easy-going is from 1649, originally of horses. Easy Street apparently first printed in 1901 novel "It's Up to You" by George V. Hobart. Easy listening radio format is from 1965. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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